This video was recorded for a past live event. I have kept it here to relay the energy and intention for which this event, now course, was created.

An Interactive, Experiential, and Transformative Course

Release Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Blocks that are Preventing Success and Lasting Change

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"

Dr. Wayne Dyer

A Mind-Body Soul Course

What you will experience:
  • Identify, process, and release patterns and beliefs that sabotage success.
  • Remove foods and substances that keep you bloated, sluggish, in brain fog, and weight loss resistance.
  • Use the power of foods to add vitality and energy to your body.
  • Learn a meditative practice that can help instantly ground you and create more balance.
  • Identify and release inherited, blocked emotional DNA.
  • And more!
Get Access Today!

Some of the topics and exercises:


  • Ten Steps to Zen: A Short Meditation for Instantaneous Grounding.
  • Anatomy of Emotion and Processing Stuck Emotional Energy
  • Meditation Practice for Releasing Sabotaging Habits
  • And more!


  • How Colorful Foods Can Expand Your Vitality and Enhance Your Chakra Energy
  • Using Movement as Meditation to Enhance Energy and Stability
  • A Physical Practice to Diffuse Anxiety and Increase Positive Vibration
  • And more!


  • Clearing Inherited Emotional DNA
  • Astrological Energies and How They Shape Your Experiences & Purpose
  • Accessing the Laws of the Universe to become mindful and conscious
  • And more!

I am so glad I made the decision to go to this event. What an added bonus to have the accountability included as well!  I am the type that wants to track my goals and it definitely helps to have the accountability calls to discuss where you are. I love that you can discuss blocks and get advice and tips to keep moving forward. This is really the best thing you can do for yourself- what are you waiting for?!

Christel W.

The accountability call that’s offered as part of the next big step is without a doubt one of the strongest motivators of this live event. It was really great to hear the other participants share their challenges and successes, and made it even more encouraging for me, knowing that I was not going to be alone in completing my goals.

Kris M.

“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Course Presenters


JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcast shows including Fit 2 Love and Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life, and author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core. She was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine. JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, Muscle and Fitness HERS, Elegant Bride, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox 11 and KTLA. Her newest book, The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame debuted at #2 on the Amazon Best Seller List for Women’s Health and #2 as a Hot New Release on May 18th 2017.


Beyond Cellular Healings was founded by International energy practitioner Lisa Thomas to help clients break through blocks and release negative patterns that can be carried through generations.

Lisa helps her clients reach their potential and resolve issues such as anxiety, procrastination and self image. She helps business owners attract more clients and increase positive money flow, while helping them find a clearer path to self-fulfillment and happiness.

Lisa is a sought-out practitioner known by Hollywood celebrities and clients worldwide. Her “Healing Circles Calls” are powerful and her clients say they are their secret weapon to their success.

Get Access Now!

"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

John C. Maxwell





“I did not know what to expect from this experience – but I knew I had to attend for reasons beyond what I can effectively share. I LOVE goal setting and planning for the new year – and because I had just turned 50 when I attended this retreat, I was in a highly reflective place. JJ’s retreat was beyond amazing because the agenda covered many of the areas I needed to focus on in my life right now. And I was able to connect with amazing presenters and other participants who I will remember forever. I work in higher education, so I have both facilitated and participated in dozens of retreats in the past 25 years. This one…was the best. Without a doubt. Just GO. You will not be sorry.” Kris McPeak

JJ, Thank you again for offering the workshop of Releasing what weighs you down. I had major breakthroughs at the workshop. In the time that I attended the workshop, I felt I was in a safe place to open up and through the different methods and tools offered, I came to a deeper understanding of pain and shut doors I was guarding. After years of meditation, this workshop for me was worth years of therapy. I guess I was ready and thank you JJ for having the courage and stand in the gap to give this workshop! I felt that through your vulnerability you showed me to be vulnerable  is ok and honorable and feel safe. Thank you JJ.” Adrienne Blenderman

“This past year I have been on a journey dealing with a health issue regarding my thyroid and medications from my doctor. This journey led me to getting off my medications and going 100% holistic. I’m happy to say my body is healing and I’m learning to navigate a whole new world of gluten free and dairy free eating. When I heard about JJ’s retreat on “Releasing what weighs you down”, I thought wonderful……..what perfect timing! I love how things come to you when you’re ready for them.   The retreat exceeded my expectations.  I loved how it was so well rounded.  I learned about nutrition, fitness; moving my body in a whole new way, energy healing, astrology, how foods heal us, to creating a mantra unique for us. I learned so much, and took so many pearls away from this retreat. I highly recommend JJ’s retreats, and I’m already bought my ticket for her next one.  Thank you JJ for all your wisdom and inspiration.” Kristie Scott

“JJ is such an inspiration! She has so much knowledge and her passion shows thru! This retreat was just what i needed to reset and take action on what has been holding me back. She created a safe space where i felt i could be supported and not judged! All the speakers were fantastic and I loved the size of the group! Hearing everyone’s stories made me feel like i was not alone! I feel so grateful i was able to be around like minded people and create a new community and tribe. She even made sure all the food was organic, gluten and dairy free so we can feel our best throughout the weekend! I would highly recommend this to anyone who is ready to release whats no longer serving them and take charge of their life!” Elena Wilkie

“It’s hard to name just one take away! The first was feeling safe to be vulnerable in the space you created with all the people who attended. It was wonderful to meet such friendly, supportive, and like-minded people and be a part of that community for a weekend. It was unlike anything I’d ever been a part of before and opened my eyes to the need I have to create a similar tribe & space in my daily life. Thanks so much for hosting Releasing What Weighs You Down and for your continued support, you are very much appreciated.” Kara S.